
Class Living Programs

Clarity Breakthrough Session with lilian

Break your behavioural pattern of self-Sabotage & self-neglect so that you can reclaim your courage & freedom to living out your true SELF & PASSION.

Knowing Me, knowing you

Understanding Your Personality for a Relationship Breakthrough with the Enneagram. Discover the core motivations driving the behaviours of different personality types.

The Unconscious Cycle – How To Break Self-sabotaging Patterns

A tailored workshop to unlock your mental courage and strengthen your emotional resilience. Equip yourself with techniques to break self-sabotaging patterns and achieve your goals.

Master the Power of Your Personality Style

Stand Out With Confidence, Sell, Inspire & Lead. Gain insights of the diversity in personality styles with your team or clients.

SPEAK! with Courage Mentoring

Empowering you with courage and a step by step system for speaking to become an effective communicator and enhance your leadership in your sphere of influence.


Build a strong personal brand. Market yourself to clients, employers, investors and the important people in your life

Personal Coaching –Courage To Be You 

Awaken your courage, ignite your power of influence. Increase self-awareness, Confidence & Clarity! Discover your unique purpose and calling in life.

Authors of Courage mentoring

Do you have a story of courage and transformation to tell? What’s stopping you from writing your story? Inspire others with your story.

Watch the recorded Webinar now!

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